Book Details
Title Preventing Violence, Caring for Survivors Role of Health Profession and Services in Violence
Author Aman Jesani Padma Deosthali, Neha Madhiwalla
Year 2004
Binding Hardback
Pages 328
ISBN10, ISBN13 8178352966, 9788178352961
Short Description
The Title 'Preventing Violence, Caring for Survivors Role of Health Profession and Services in Violence written/authored/edited by Aman Jesani Padma Deosthali, Neha Madhiwalla', published in the year 2004. The ISBN 9788178352961 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 328 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is HEALTH / HOME SCIENCE / Police / Criminology / Law.
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Violence, health and services are intimately related. The book is an anthology of articles by experts, sociologists, doctors, human rights experts etc. These articles through lights on varied subjects related to the subject. These articles are most informative and can be referred for reference. Divided in seven chapters—I. Introduction, II. Human Rights and Responsibilities of the Health Sector, III. Violence by State Agencies, IV. Caste and Communal Violence, V. Violence Against Women, VI. Violence Against Women : Women in Prostitution, VII. Human Rights and State of Health Sector.
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