Book Details
Title Maltby-Maltbie Family History
Author Compiled And Edited By Dorothy Maltby Verrill
Year 2017
Binding Paperback
Pages 437
ISBN10, ISBN13 9351286045, 9789351286042
Short Description
The Title 'Maltby-Maltbie Family History written/authored/edited by Compiled And Edited By Dorothy Maltby Verrill', published in the year 2017. The ISBN 9789351286042 is assigned to the Paperback version of this title. This book has total of pp. 437 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is History. .POD
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The records here given to the public are the result of many years of genealogical research work and many of the records are mere fragments which refused to fit in gracefully in any place, but have included with the hope that they sometime prove helpful in tracing ancestors. This work has been carried on far from reference libraries and under adverse conditions. There are undoubtedly mistake, but every effort has been made to keep these down to as few as possible, and it is hoped that made to keep these are discovered it will be called to my attention. Few of the readers will appreciated the enormous of work required in compiling such information. It is probable that each entry of a line of descent has requires at least one personal letter and often many more.


Dorothy Maltby Verril (1877-1957), born with a silver spoon in her mouth, her sister name was Moude Townshend Maltby and wife of Clarence Sidney Verril, She is mother of Rae Maltbe, has recorded here and it given to public are the result of many years of genealogy research work and many of the records are mere fragments which refused to fit in gracefully in any place, but have been included with the hope that they may sometime prove helpful in tracing ancestors.

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