Book Details
Title Vaisikhasutra Courtesans in the Ancient in India
Author Santosh Ghosh
Year 2016
Binding Hardback
Pages 316
ISBN10, ISBN13 9351282066, 9789351282068
Short Description
The Title 'Vaisikhasutra Courtesans in the Ancient in India written/authored/edited by Santosh Ghosh', published in the year 2016. The ISBN 9789351282068 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 316 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is History. POD
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The Vaisika sutra on courtesans in ancient India, present something delightfully natural and charming in the Hothouse of Sanskrit belles-letters. Herein each story attempts to depict the life and style of courtesans as whole. This complex emotion has inspired the stories in this form of unique book, where readers will find reflections of their own feeling thoughts and attitudes not only courtesan, but also their male partner, their character, qualities and reputation inscribe. As such the importance of these stories from the standpoint of Hindu social history in various part of India is immense. They are also very important documents from the literary aspect. In addition to supplying evidence of the decadence of Hindu society. These poignant, intriguing, beautiful, comical and gesture of charming courtesans stories telling by greatest ancient Buddha - Jaina commentator, sanskrit poet, dramatist, writers of all time, will definitely leave redars mind with memorable, lingering touch of romance. This book is classified into seventh chapters. The very first chapter: Ascetics and Courtesans by Jan Gonda included 'The Canter of Samaveda and Courtesan'. Second Chapter: Jataka : Stories of Courtesans. Third Chapter: Kamma Katha Sagara. While Fourth Chapter Presents: Caturbhani (Four Play) included Ubhayabhisarika (The Mutual Elopment) of Vararuci. Padmaprabhrtaka (The Lotus Gift ) of Sudraka . Padatatadiaka (The Kick) of Syami laka. Dhurta-Vita-Samvada (message from a claver vita) of Ishvaradatta. Fifth Chapter : Kuttanimahatmyam of Damodaragupta. Sixth Chapter: Srinagaramanjuri of Raja Bhoja. And the last Chapter : Courtesan in Bombay of K. Ragunathji.


Santosh Ghosh (Ganesh Kanti ) engaged socio - culture and literary work as writer, an amateur Actor, dramatist and Music lover. Birth 1943 place Patna. He is married with a daughter and lives in South Kolkata (W.B.). He retired DOT/BSNL employee. As an author he has written several book in Bangla. His 'History of Telecommunication in 20th Century' (Kolkata 2001). 'The Sepoy Mutiny From Telegraph Messages' (Kolkata 2008) broke new grounds on that remarkable subject in English. His next work 'Music in the Ancient World' (Delhi 2012) and Whoredoms in Ancient Mesopotamia (International Literary Mag. Norway & India: 2015) is a testimony is his abiding interest that art. Santosh Ghosh has tribute of respected as a researcher, and author from National Library, Kolkata (Govt. of India, Ministry of Culture) on the occasion of National Book Week (14 – 20 November, 2013).


Prologue . 7 Acknowledgements . 9 Preface .11 Introduction . 13 Chapter One Ascetics and Courtesans . 29 Chapter Two Jataka: Stories of Courtesans . 43 • Kanavera Jataka • Sulasa Jataka • Atthana Jataka. Chapter Three Kamma Katha: Sagara . 55 • Marriage of Carudatta and His entry into a Prostitute’s House • Samba and his Lover for a Courtesan’s Daughter • Brahman’s Courtesan Lover (Story of Rupanika). Chapter Four Caturbhani (Four Play) . 83 • Ubhayabhisarika (The Mutual Elopment): Vararuci • Padmaprabhrtaka (The Lotus Gift): Sudraka • Padataditaka (The Kick) : Syamilaka • Dhurtavita- Samvada (Message from a clever vita) : Ishvaradatta. Chapter Five Kuttanimahatmyam . 195 • The way of the Courtesan • Haralata : The women of Lust • Story of Manjuri from Harlot to Heroine. 6 Vaisikasutra Courtesans in the Ancient India Chapter Six Sringaramanjuri . 229 • Fall of Ravidatta • The Matchless Courtesan Devadatta • Lavanyasundari • Love is Dangerous • Muladeva Distrests Women. Chapter Seven Courtesan in Bombay . 269 Bibliography and Notes . 299 Glossary . 301 Index . 309

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