Book Details
Title Beyond Politics
Author Ambrose Pinto
Year 2016
Binding Paperback
Pages 256
ISBN10, ISBN13 9351281639, 9789351281634
Short Description
The Title 'Beyond Politics written/authored/edited by Ambrose Pinto', published in the year 2016. The ISBN 9789351281634 is assigned to the PaperBack version of this title. This book has total of pp. 256 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Political Science. POD
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Dr. Ambrose Pinto SJ taught Political Science in St. Joseph's College, Bangalore for 25 years. He was the Principal of St. Joseph's Evening College (1994 - '98 & 2001 - 03), St. Joseph's College (2003 - 2011), Bangalore and headed Indian Social Institute (1998 - 2001), New Delhi as its Executive Director. He has written extensively in journals, newspapers and volumes. He has authored four books and edited several. For his selfless work, the Government of Karnataka conferred on him the Rajyostava Award in 2010. An academic activist, he has campaigned for several public causes. From 2011 - 2012, he was Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Rastrapati Bhavan, Shimla. At present, he is the Principal of St. Aloysius Degree College, Bangalore.


Preface .. 7 1. Introduction .. 9 2. (a) Sanjay Kumar Biswas (1945–2013) . 17 (b) Professor Sanjay Biswas–An Intellectual–A Crusader . 23 (c) A Tribute to Dr Sanjay Kumar Biswas (1945 to 2013) . 27 3. For New Age: Marxism and Science . 31 4. Nuclear Future of India . 45 5. Poverty and Health .. 49 6. The Role of Civil Society, Social Movements and Academia in Catalysing “Health For All” . 57 7. Mass Crimes and Impunity: The Indian Experience . 79 8. The Psychological Perspective of R&D and Intellectual Property Protection .. 99 9. The Accusers’ Accused . 117 10. Need for an Alternative Vision of Development for Bangalore .. 135 11. Scientific Temper in the age of STR . 147 12. Poverty and Agricultural Growth: The Uneasy Partners . 161 13. Cultural Praxis for Social Transformation: Encountering Modern Tyrannies .. 183 14. Electoral Reforms in India . 191 15. Political Parties and the Current Reform Agenda . 201 16. Technology and Social Processes in India . 215 17. Hunger Pangs: India is World’s Hunger Capital! . 225 18. Bonded Labour and Modern Day Slavery in India . 233 19. Contributors .. 251

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