Book Details
Title Ageing, Nutrition and Health
Author Pallavi M. Mehta, Komal B. Chauhan
Year 2016
Binding Hardback
Pages 196
ISBN10, ISBN13 9351281434, 9789351281436
Short Description
The Title 'Ageing, Nutrition and Health written/authored/edited by Pallavi M. Mehta, Komal B. Chauhan', published in the year 2016. The ISBN 9789351281436 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 196 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Health. POD
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Aging Nutrition and Health is the outcome of more than two Decades of Research work carried on by Nutrition Professionals in the field of Geriatrics and Gerontology. Several important aspects of Gerontology such as, Situational Analyses of Demographic, Diet and Health Profiles of Elderly in Different Settings including Old Age Homes, Factors Affecting Longevity, Mental Health and Nutritional Disorders in Aged, Appropriate Foods for Geriatric Diet; and some major aspects of Care Giving are covered in a detailed manner. Besides relevant and useful information on Geriatric like health assessment tools, national policies and many more aspects are also included. Since the topics covered are of major relevance and importance in context of ever increasing living elderly population of India, this Book must serve as a useful guide and reference point for further studies and activities of Researchers, Professionals and Students involved in Geriatric Research as also Care Givers in different settings like Hospitals and, Old Age Homes.


Dr. Pallavi Mehta Retired Head and Professor of Foods & Nutrition Department from M.S. University, Vadodara in 2012. She has more than 40 years experience in Teaching and Research. Her Focus area of Interest is Geriatric Nutrition. She has published more than 60 Papers in reputed National and International Journals and written several Monographs, Chapters in Books and Project Reports. A national level scholar she is the recipient of many professional awards including Rashtriya Gaurav Puraskar by International Friendship Society. She is a Registered Dietician recognised by Indian Dietetic Association (IDA). As member of many Professional and academic bodies she has held important positions like Vice President of IDA, Gujarat; President of Alumni Association F&N MSU etc. She is the co-author of “Mental Health and Ageing Women“published in 2008.

Dr. Komal B. Chauhan is working as Associate Professor in Department of Foods and Nutrition, M S University of Baroda, Vadodara. She is also the Coordinator of Dietetics stream and Nutrition Counselling Centre in the department. With a teaching experience sppaning over 22 years and research for 15 years in the field of Geriatric Health and Nutrition, she has disseminated around 24 scientific papers in national and international journals, books and as faculty in international conferences and workshops.


Foreword 7 Preface 9 Acknowledgement 13 1. Our Elderly: Situational Analysis of Demography, Diet and Health Profile 15 2. Our Old Age Homes and Elderly 31 3. Stepping the Ladder of Ageing 51 4. Mental Health and Ageing 63 5. Guidelines for Diet and Nutritional Disorders in Elderly 81 6. Suitable Foods for Geriatric Feeding 89 7. Caregiving: Emerging Need of Elderly Today 111 8. Some Useful Information 123 9. Remarks and Recommendations 129 Appendices Appendix-1: Moduls for Health and Nutrition Care 135 Appendix-2: Food Pyramid 155 Appendix-3: Recommended Daily Allowance of Chief Nutrients for Elderly (Appoximate) 157 Appendix-4: Tips for Healthy Living 159 Appendix-5: List of Old Age Homes in Gujarat 161 Appendix-6: Nutrition Health Education 167 Appendix-7: List of Few Anti-agers 179 Appendix-8: Common Tools for Elderly Assessment 181 Index 191

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